Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about our Calendar, Tuition, Philosophy, and more.

We operate on a ten month calendar. Our flexible program allows families to travel together during the year, without sacrificing any learning.  We do offer summer programs as well.

Current schedule – Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 10:00 – 3:00

We are now offering an optional Monday addition to the schedule (this must be consistent and is not available as a drop in or single day).

Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $3,550 for 3 day per week. Payable in 10 monthly installments of $355.  

Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $4,700 for 4 days per week.  Payable in 10 monthly installments $470

There is a $100 non-refundable enrollment fee that needs to be submitted upon acceptance to our program. 

In order to protect the learning environment of our Eagles, we do not offer tours or have meetings on campus during the school day; however, we do typically offer tours at 3:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We also have two Open Houses each year, and we encourage anyone interested in meeting our guides or seeing our studios to attend.

We respect and incorporate Maria Montessori’s philosophy but, we are not a Montessori school. We also use the latest interactive technologies, hands on projects and the Socratic Method for discussions.

While we expose children to the importance of mindful spirituality and stress the historical importance of Christianity to the development of Western Civilization, we do not promote any one religion.

We believe that each of us has a special calling in life, and a series of trials and tests that must be faced with integrity and purpose, in order to live a satisfying and fulfilled life. Our mission is to prepare your child for his or her special journey.

Someone who can research questions, follow instructions, solve problems—admit that they don’t know something and figure out a solution when they hit a roadblock without asking an adult for help — participate in discussions, and strive for mastery.

We believe that children learn best when working with children younger and older than themselves rather than split up into groups based solely on age. In addition to individualized curriculum, all ages of students work together in groups.

We are not trained to serve children with serious learning disabilities but we believe that many minor learning disabilities are commonly misdiagnosed.

We believe each of our students will find a passion — something they love and have a gift to do. They will use this gift to serve others and fulfill a need they are passionate about in the world. This may be by becoming a shoe-shiner who tells stories and makes people’s day just by doing his job with love and vigor; it may be by becoming a coach who sees the light in a child’s eyes and guides her to pursue a dream; it may be by becoming a father or mother who leads a family on a Hero’s Journey; it may be becoming an entrepreneur or business leader guided by compassion and integrity; or it may be by becoming an artist or writer who brings beauty to people’s lives.

We believe in liberty and justice and the ideals of the American revolution as the cornerstones of civilization. In addition to experiential learning, we will study the American documents and the true meaning behind them, as we examine other cultures and forms of government.